And the flu hit me! Jip, I had the flu this week. I was bed laying the whole week, but I’m all good now. Back to class tomorrow! With the change of the season upon us, there’s lots of people getting the standard flu. It’s like dominos. The minute one gets sick, the next person does, then the next and the next. It was not just me but also two of my roomies who also got sick. And the list of students who were at the doctor on Monday alone, was three A4 pages long! Jip, this is no joke!
So, laying in bed thinking about what I could write about, I just started looking around the room, seeing one of my roommates eating sunflower seeds. I’ve always thought, what’s up with this trend of eating sunflower seeds. I don’t think there’s one day that goes by where I don’t see someone eating them.
Semechki! AKA sunflower seeds. A long-lasting tradition among Russian folks to crack and eat sunflower seeds. While the more Western people would grab a pack of chips and watch TV, a Russian person may as well munch on a pack of sunflower seeds.
Russians chew sunflower seeds like we chew gum. They sit and nibble sunflower seeds absentmindedly. Piles of shells would grow instantly as they are masters in quickly separating the shell and nut in their mouths in a split second. They also have this “law” of seed eating. If you have a packet full of them, you must share with those who don’t – it’s an unwritten semechki code.
But I would say this only applies in a group of friends and that’s if those who don’t have, want some. It actually reminds me more of the “gum” thing we have. If you don’t know what I’m talking about…this is how it goes, especially in high school. 😀
You will have a packet of gum but soon become an expert at hiding your “stash”, because if someone would find out you have, everyone would ask for a piece. At the end of the day your new packet of gum could only have three pieces left, if you’re lucky. You quickly learn how to hide the fact that you have gum, and make it seem like you got a piece from someone else. With the Russians and their sunflower seeds, I believe sometimes it could be the same.
Personally, I haven’t tried it yet. I just find that if I’m buying nuts or seeds, I wanna eat them, not spend most of my time fishing them out of a tiny shell and having the chance of swallowing seed and shell all together or having a shell stuck between my teeth. However, I will say that sunflower seeds are very tasty. They also sell these sunflower seed bars coated with honey to keep all the seeds together. Much like a peanut brittle. Very yummy, but unfortunately not for every day.
Sunflower seeds are available to buy, everywhere! In any shop, you will find them. Some plain but mostly slightly salted and fried. My roomies love them! Whenever I hear a packet being opened, I don’t even have to look up anymore to know it’s sunflower seeds. When they first take a bowl out, you know, now they are going to eat! Not just one or two, but it could be half to a full packet. Bowls means that a piece of paper won’t do to keep the shells from spilling everywhere!
My silly conclusion…you know you’re Russian when you eat sunflower seeds, or like they like to call it…Semechki!!! 😀
Hope you all enjoyed this week’s post! Have a blessed and stunning week!
To Live is To Dance