The final week has arrived! One more week to go and tomorrow in a week I’ll be on a plane heading home! I’m so excited but it feels unreal. I’ve been here so long that “home” feels like a different reality and yet at the same time it feels like I’ve only been here a month. Crazy how time can fly and also feel like an eternity has passed.
As I bring my bags out and start packing, sorting out what stays and need to be stored and what I need to take home, I realize that my life for the next few years is going to be lived in winter. Which makes it hard to travel really light because I need my winter clothes for winter at home and here. Yes, there’s a few Russian winter items that will stay but the rest has to come home with me, otherwise I won’t have clothes to wear in SA. In times like these I wish I could live one season here and another when I come home. That way I can leave my clothes in one plays and not travel them up and down the whole time (haha like only once a year, but still 😀 ) and then I will also get some summer in my life!
You would think I’m having a little bit of summer now but the last few weeks has been cloudy, sometimes rainy and always cold! We went back to spring temperatures with a low of 8 degrees. Luckily, according to the weather predictions, we will be having a warm week now with nice temperatures between 22 – 26 degrees, being the highs of coarse and lows of 11 – 13. Currently it’s 17 but that’s a lot better than yesterday’s 13. (It’s Saturday while I’m writing this) It almost seems like instead of summer we’re having SA winter. I hope I can have a week of summer now before returning to winter again 😀
At the moment with the winds we had and still have a little, you just see, what l like to call “summer snowflakes”. I only call them that because they do look like snowflakes, but instead of falling down, they go up. Most of the times anyways. It’s actually just pollen flying around. Mostly just Dandelion pollen, but it’s everywhere! This photo doesn’t do it justice but have a look.
On really windy days it almost looks like a “Dandelion” storm. I feel very sorry for people with allergies! If I just open our window slightly, the Dandelions will even fly into the room. I think I should blow it back next time and make a wish for proper summer weather! 😀
Oh well, you win some you lose some. I will choose home any day over staying here longer just to have a summer. I miss my people!!! 😀 😀 I will see everyone soon!
This might have been a little random post but non-the less, I hope you enjoyed it!
My last post while I’m here will be next week Sunday! Wow!
Have a wonderful week everyone!
To Live is To Dance