I know I have been gone, not posting, but to be fair, I have been studying and it’s been a hectic year. Never mind the language thats made it all a little bit harder and more stressful! My first year of my degree studies (out of 4) is done!!! I’ll no longer be a first year student!!! Whoohoo!!! I think you can tell by that sentence that I’m pretty relieved and happy that that’s done and dusted. I enjoyed the journey of my first year (technically second, but the first in my field of study and actually taking classes like the rest of the native Russian students) I’ve learned a lot, experienced new things, made new friends, gained confidence in myself (language wise and in my capability of dancing, choreographing)
The 2nd semester was filled with so many events, classes, rehearsals, student life things that I can’t even remember half of it and need to rely on my camera roll on my phone to remind me! (Yes, I know I’ve been slacking on posting on social media as well, but that is something I really want to work on)
I’m going to try and create a time line and shortly tell you as much as possible!
- During my one week break after my first semester, I kinda learnt how to ski….on a flat surface!
- I shot a music video with a friend (also a student at the same university, just a different faculty)…I danced obvisiouly.
- My fellow first year choreography classmates and I all performed at a University showcase/expo.
- We were instructed by our Dean to choreograph a traditional Tatar dance in one day, to be performed the next day at an event.
- I fell ill for almost a month ….something to do with Neurocirculatory dystonia. (Basically I got vertigo and later just very dizzy and light headed, so I obviously couldn’t dance.)
- My mom came to visit me for the first time! I was also just getting back to feeling like my self and healthy, so her visit just made that happen even quicker.
- Then came the change of the season and the whole country was cleaning up their territories.
- I participated in a competition (Classical ballet – La Bayadere) held for dancers all over Russia, and received a first place.
- Went and supported a friend at a beauty contests finale (Ms Pearl) where she won 2nd princess.
- Celebrated Victory day on the 9th of May (Victory for Russia in World War 2)
- Watched our university’s orchestra perform at the conservatory.
- Watched indoor soccer…that was an interesting one!
- Danced in 3rd year student’s exams.
- Handled our own exams, tests and passed them all very well! (ballet – practical and theory, folk – practical and theory, choreography and all other subjects like politics, history music, piano – practical, pedagogy, Russian literature, biomechanics, physical exercise, choreography field introduction etc.)
- Watched Le Corsair at the Opera and Ballet Theatre with some of my classmates
- Moved all my belongings to my new apartment where I will be living when I go back….goodbye hostel!
- And in-between all of that I met a young South African family who lives right around the corner and who made my Sundays so much more at home! They are a couple with two adorable little girls (1 and 3 years old), who just sparks up your day! And they make you play hide and seek… a lot! 😉 haha but I love it!!! 😀 To have an Afrikaans speaking family right there makes Russia feel more like home and having my own place, I’m sure it will start feeling like one as well, instead of just a room that’s not mine.
Not long after my exams, (which I had to take sooner than my classmates) I hopped on a plane and headed home for my summer holiday, AKA winter holiday. But SA winter is so hot, it’s all good! The reason I had to take my exams earlier, is that my ballet teacher also came to SA to handle off exams here as well as teach masterclasses. It was a real success and even her class at the Joburg Ballet Theatre left the company members wanting more. We took her to some memorable places, experienced new things and made lots of new memories. She went home two weeks later, so impressed and amazed at out unique country, her perspective changed massively and she left with a sad heart wanting more. There are some huge plans for the future just because of her short visit and that makes me very excited!!!
As for my holiday so far…I’m having the best time! My best friend got engaged in March and asked me to be her maid of honor and all though I’m not yet sure if I’ll be able to come home for her wedding day, it’s been such a pleasure catching up with her, talking wedding plans and talking about life. I really do have the best friend in this whole entire world! Not only is she there for me when I need a friend but also the best long distance friend and even better when we have our catch up sessions when I’m home! She plays a huge role in my support system!
Thank you dear friend!!!
Talking about support system, my parents! They give so much and never ask for anything in return. They are always there when I need advise or to help! Without them I really honestly do not know where I would be! My dreams would not have come true, or new ones in the process to be. They are my rock and anchor, and I do realize how very blessed I am to have them as my parents and the support they give me! There is also my younger brother, who in his own way shows his love and support to me, and for him I am also so very grateful. I have the best family a girl with a passion and a dream could ask for!!!
Thank you to every single person who has made an impact in my life and in this year! I greatly appreciate you all and if I had to mention everyone, this would be a non ending post and it’s already a long one.
As for future posts and social media…I know I’ve said this before, but I will really try to post more and I do have some awesome content ideas that I would love to share with all of you so please don’t completely disappear!
Enjoy the photos of my second semester and end of my first year!
Talk soon!
To live is to Dance