It’s been a minute since the last post!
The first semester back has been a very busy one!!!
We prepared for out University’s 50th anniversary, then traveled to Ekaterinburg by train for a competition in traditional Tatar Folk dance (took 1st place), then rehearsed The Nutcracker and traveled to Senegal in West Africa to perform in Dakar, introducing ballet in the National Theater. I studied and passed all my tests, came home (South Africa) for New Years, then made my way back to Russia to do my exams, and now I’m finally on my break. In a week we start the second semester for this academic year and before we know it I’ll be done with year two (Not even mentioning all the plans/travels/competitions on top of studies for this semester) and on my two month holiday from end June, beginning July till end August.
Now that I got you all caught up…let’s get into the topic of today’s post.
6 Healthy Hacks!
To follow up on my previous post of healthy habits I decided, and like promised, to give you some hacks, maybe more like tips, to help you on your journey. So here they are:
I personally try to get in a minimum of 1,5 liters a day. I just started a challenge (for free!) called “75 hard” and now I’m required to drink 3,7 – 3,8 liters a day. (If you are interested to know more about this mental toughness challenge with physical benefits that can and will change your life, go check it out here:
What I’m doing to get my water in is; I bought water bottles that has the required amount of water I need to drink, and then I make sure they’re all empty before I end my day. This way I don’t need to keep track of how many glasses I have already drank and still need to, and hope I didn’t miss count etc.
Another tip that you can try (I have done this before but I find that the first method works best), is you can mark your bottle with time intervals and then you just make sure to drink to make your marks. You can try which ever method works for you, as long as you get your water in!
I find it best to workout to music than absolute quiet. It keeps me motivated and focused. You can create a playlist with all your favorite workout music, whether you listen to it in the gym or on a walk. Or you can find a playlist of your liking on iTunes music (IOS users) or youtube. Another thing I like is to listen to is podcasts. There is some really motivational, educational and just plain funny ones out there. One of my favorites are “The health code podcast” Go check them out, you’ll laugh and get motivated at the same time! ( or )
Anything to keep the mind motivated and focused… rather that, than focused on the pain 😀
When starting anything really, it’s best to have someone in your corner backing you up. I have found that in my past, whenever I set new goals and thought I won’t tell anyone, I’ll just show them, that I failed and never completed the goal/challenge. However I did sometimes start something, and a few weeks in would tell someone, whether it be my mom/dad or a friend. When I did that, immediately I felt accountable to that person. Now my goals are out there and I need to achieve them! When I kept it to myself, I would so easily fall off and just come to the conclusion that no one knew any way so no one will know I failed/quit. But I just fooled myself. When you have people in your corner, they will motivate you, keep you accountable and on track.
The question just lies in, who do you tell and who not. I know that sometimes you have told someone and thought they would support you, when they turned out to be the people who didn’t believe in you. Unfortunately you will have to take a leap of faith and take a good look at the people you want to involve in your dreams and goals. But trust me, it’s much better to learn now who the people are you can trust than to find out when it really matters. Plus it’s much more fun with someone in your corner than doing it alone. Who knows, they might even get motivated by you and join in!
Ok so I’ll admit I have done this, then not and now again. I guess it all just depends on how busy you are, if you’ll have time to prepare your food for every meal or not. I have started to meal prep a weeks dinner on a Sunday. It saves me a lot of time during the week. Get a few containers, get your recipes ready and plan what you’ll cook first. What needs to be cooked on the stove, what in the oven etc. (Also plan what you’ll freeze and what you’ll keep in the fridge.) Then put on some music and get cooking.
I have bought myself a workout plan and found that if I paid for something I’m more likely to stick to it. I have also found that with this plan I bought (after saving up for it), it’s such an awesome plan that I don’t ever get board of it, gives results and I’m even redoing it by just choosing what workout I feel like doing. Once I have done that a few times and eventually get board then I’ll buy the second workout ebook that follows up on the first one. The ebook that I purchased:
But if you need more assistance and help motivating yourself, a personal trainer is the way to go. However, I find that a bit too expensive. You can always have a look on Pinterest. There are many exercises you can use and create your own workout or just use one of the many already workouts pinned.
Something that works for me when going to the gym or working out at home is to get into my activewear. Unfortunately proper activewear can get expensive these days. So find cheaper alternatives but do get yourself activewear, because once you’re dressed the part, you’ll feel the part and feel more motivated to workout and feel good while doing it. I know this sounds a bit superficial but it’s true what that say: “Look good, feel good.”
And that concludes my top 6 healthy hacks/tips. I hope you could find some of them useful, and maybe you already knew them or doing them. I still hope you enjoyed it and would share it.
I wish you all a blessed and wonderful day and I promise to write as soon as I can!
Thank you for your support!!!
To live is to Dance