Want to know how to achieve this? Keep reading!
Many things that you will pursue in life will either start with a dream or inspiration. Sometimes you will need the inspiration to take the first step towards your dream.
The question many wants to know is, how to get motivated and stay determined when so many people or other things tear you down or break your focus? If you are one of those people, then I have this to ask.
How badly do you want it?
Ever heard the saying “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can have what others can’t.” – Jerry Rice
This is one of many things my dad always tell me. I’ve heard it so many times that sometimes I don’t even know whether to get irritated or happy that I can hear it yet again. I will however admit, because he drilled it in me, it soon became something I would tell myself.
All those times when someone used to tell me (directly or indirectly) that I need more hours, extra work, you probably won’t even make it, don’t worry – at least you will do good in contemporary, you don’t really have the right body/build/physical capacity….and more. I would of course first feel defeated, but then this little voice in my head would say something like, “Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can have what others can’t.”
It was also not until I decided how badly I wanted to achieve my dreams that my mental attitude changed. I had to uncover why I’m doing what I’m doing and for who?
Lets get back to that question I mentioned in the beginning:
How to get motivated and stay determined when so many people or other things tear you down or break your focus?
Make sure that your dreams and goals are laying your foundation. If anything happens, you can always come back, refocus and recall what your dreams and goals are. I am fully aware that dreams and goals change, mine definitely did. But the key to staying motivated and determined stays the same.
What do you focus on?
When all you hear 80% of the time, how bad you are, how you won’t make it and all sorts of negativity, you are soon very likely to believe every negative comment. The day when one positive comment comes your way, you won’t even recognize it.
Don’t listen to all the negative comments. Don’t worry what others will think or say. Keep your head down and keep pushing. If it’s something you truly believe in, then don’t let anyone tell you any different.
You will have to work on being able to listen to good criticism only and forget the rest.
Don’t compare your progress to those around you. Every person is different, but everyone has the capability to become the very best version of themselves!
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that it’s stupid” – Albert Einstein
In a way I guess you can actually thank those who came against you. The people who caused you to doubt, caused mental and physical challenges for you. You might not see why while it’s happening to you. But when you come out on the other side, you will realize that you came out stronger. Mentally & Physically. You would not have discovered your true strength if it weren’t for them. Along the road you will find people that will be more like minded like you, who will motivate you and will make you push yourself, without tearing you down at the same time. Heck, sometimes those people don’t even know that they caused you to struggle & sometimes those who inspire you also don’t notice when they do.
As long as you have your dreams and goals in sight, you can overcome and work through all the storms that you might experience.
:p The more struggles you have, the sweeter your victories!
Becoming the Inspiration
One day you can find yourself becoming the inspiring one without even knowing it, and that is exactly what happened to me.
A week ago I received a phone call. A friendly voice of a man, a father was heard as I answered. He introduced himself and explained that through people he work with and people they work with, they managed to reach my dad and got my number from him. Even tough he doesn’t know me or my dad from anywhere, I got the sense he was determined to find me.
When I first heard he has 2 daughters who dance and they heard of me through people, I was shocked and surprised to hear that people I don’t even know has heard my story.
He told me that his girls are considering careers in dance and, as what we like to call, a ballet dad, had not much knowledge of this world and all its possibilities. So the very next day we all got together for a coffee and breakfast. Mother, father, two beautiful young ballerinas & me. We sat and talked for quite some time, non-stop. I got to know the girls and heard some of their amazing experiences as well as some all too familiar ones too. At the end of our meet up I could definitely tell that these two girls are on the right track to go far and accomplish amazing things. They even inspired me!
After saying goodbye and taking a quick photo we were on our way.
I must admit that I felt so awe struck. That two very talented girls has found inspiration in me when I didn’t even know people I don’t know is spreading my story to others. And here I was only seeing my own flaws and weaknesses that I have to work on, I never ever thought I could have an impact on others.
This has just taught me again that if you keep your head down and work hard, stay focused, eventually people will see. The right people will see the results of your hard work. The things you do in silence, speaks the loudest!
It will become your job to find people to look up to. Those who has been where you want to go. Accomplished goals and dreams similar to yours. Chances are, they even had to go through the same obstacles & struggles that you are going through right now. You wouldn’t ask someone how the weather is like in a country they have never been to, so why listen to people who hasn’t been where you want to go? Their advise might be great, but how relevant is it to your dreams and goals?
Another wise lesson I’ve learnt from my dad… You become like the people you spend your time with.
Associate yourself with successful people and you will learn and grow in a successful environment. Soon you will become the successful one.
Another thing to remember: When people tell you, “Oh but you are just lucky. Things just seem to work out for you.”
I have to say to those people…
If you want to call all my struggles and obstacles I had to go through to get to where I’m now, some obstacles that took me 4 years to finally get through, luck? Then I’m sorry, you must be confusing luck with focus, determination, hours & hours of hard work and even lots of failed attempts. I always got up when I got knocked down. I made that decision. I didn’t choose to stay laying so that I can keep getting beaten. I refused to stay there. I had drive, passion & focus to make it to where I am now. No such thing as luck my friend.
So in closing, never quit! You don’t know who is watching! Never stop being inspired and soon you will realize you are someones inspiration too.
Have a blessed and wonderful day to you all!
To live is to dance!