From winter to spring! Yah! Finally my days are much longer and the nights shorter….I think it’s a “Yah”? It’s definitely a yah for a longer sunny day, but maybe not for the “shorter” night time. Well luckily, it’s getting warmer!
Temperatures has finally dropped. Day’s range between -10 to 0. We have even had a day where we were in the positive! A beautiful 1! 😀 More sunny days, where you can feel the suns hot rays. Causing you to open the windows for some super cool fresh air because it’s getting hot and stuffy indoors, and closing them in about a min or so. The snow is also melting, but that’s not so nice! Well in the sense that you can actually start walking on actual gravel, is nice, but the mud and water pools that you have to look out for, is not so nice! Especially when cars and busses drive past and it feels like you are playing dodge ball with muddy water. Let’s call it dodge water!
The most confusing part so far of this season change, is the weather itself! One minute it’s sunshine and snow melting, the next it’s cloudy and snow raining? Does that even make any sense? And then there is just snow! I mean…. Just choose one! This could literally happen in the same day or at least in two separate days, following one another. It only causes for more wet and muddy, half frozen, slushy ice/water. Because the temperatures are dropping, the snow doesn’t really freeze, especially on a sunny day. It basically melts the minute it lands on the floor. It’s just “too” hot.
I only now understand what everyone was saying in the beginning of winter in temperatures of -8. “This is hot, this is still warm”, because it is! Having experienced -30, -8 and especially -1, is hot!!! I won’t say I’ll walk around with no warm clothes and a jacket, but what I am saying is that some times it feels too hot inside and that outside feels like a fresh winter morning in SA. I never thought I would say or compare SA winter mornings of 10 to Russian winter of -3, and say it feels the same. I no longer always wear my warm winter coat. My jacket I brought from home does just fine. I haven’t worn my gloves once this whole week but a beanie is still a must. I’m sleeping in summer pajamas and even my roomie stood up twice Thursday night to open the window for a while because it just got too hot inside while we were sleeping. But with the crazy quick changes, the extra blankets do still come out every now and then.
It’s still cold but in comparison to what winter temperatures really feel like, this is okay. I’m even starting to walk to campus and back again, not taking the bus so often, because it’s not so cold out and it just feels so fresh. But I want summer to come now, before I come home! Otherwise it could just, just become summer here, where you can actually wear summer clothes and then I have to come home to winter. But maybe SA winter will be like a summer to me in some ways…I hope! 😀
To give you guys a better idea of this weird and crazy weather changes, I took some photos for you guys during the week. Take a look!
(All in one week!!!)
One day was…
And the next day looked like this…
Some other comparisons…
Again… this was all in one week!
Oh and do you guys remember this photo?
This was how it looked like yesterday.
Talk about crazy! 😀
Well that’s it for this week!
Ooh and before I forget, can I ask that all my family and friends who haven’t yet entered their emails in the subscription box below, please to do so?! This way you will never miss an update and I get to see who’s reading my blog and if you guys are actually enjoying what I’m writing. Also, if there were to come a day where something special comes up, like…oh I don’t know, my blogs first “birthday”! There might be a special blog with a giveaway and some prizes to be won… you won’t wanna miss out!!!
I hope that everyone is having a blessed and wonderful Easter! Spend time with the ones you love, especially in the presence of the One who saved us all! He is risen! I will talk to you all next week.
To Live is To Dance