“Ovo is a touring circus production by Cirque du Soleil that premiered in Montreal, Canada, in 2009. Ovo’s creator and director, Deborah Colker, took inspiration from the world of insects. The idea for Ovo was not to be about the acts, nor dancing, nor insects, but about movement. The movement of life permeates the entire show with creatures flying, leaping, bounding, and crawling. Composer Berna Ceppas brought additional life to Ovo with a score inspired by the music of Brazil. Ovo means “egg” in Portuguese and represents the underlying thread through the show. “ – Wikipedia
As you all know, last Saturday we went to watch Cirque du Soleil! It was amazing! Unfortunately, I couldn’t really take videos or photos, but I also didn’t really want to. I wanted to enjoy every moment, and not watch everything through my phone. The performances were breath taking, literally! Some moments I found myself forgetting to breath as I got nervous for the performers, balancing on a signal rope hanging in the air, while the performer balances on a unicycle! Oh, did I forget to mention… upside down! His head is where the seat originally would have been and his hands on the pedals! Not to mention the other acrobats flipping each other in the air! Take a look!
Juggling also got a lot more interesting and dangerous! Juggling 3 or 4 balls just doesn’t do it anymore, so they decided to juggle these objects that look like giant kiwi slices, with their feet! Just when you think “wow, so amazing”, they take it another step further. They start to juggle each other, with their feet, while also still juggling the objects! Okay, so you are probably confused. Watch the video, you won’t regret it!
Now you know what I mean! I must admit that it’s just not the same watching it on a video than actually being there in person. The whole atmosphere is completely different! Another one of my favorite acts were where they used the trampolines and “rock climbing wall”. Speechless!!! Just have a look at the next video. All their acts get better and better as the act goes on, you will be doing yourself a favor and not miss the best parts if you watch to the end!
I can go on and on about every single act that took my breath away and made me laugh but we will be here forever! If you are interested to watch the act I mentioned where the guy balances on the rope, upside down on a unicycle, the video will be at the end of the post 😀
The rest of the week went really well. It went so fast but yet, it also feels like Cirque du Soleil was so long ago! I took my Russian exam earlier than originally planned and passed!!! 😀 So happy about that. And it happened on my birthday! The best gift to know I passed my exam! Only one exam to go. History and Social studies, two subjects in one exam. Not yet sure when I will be doing that exam but I was told it most probably will be anytime from the 16th. Gives me a little time to prepare very well for that exam. I’m still going to Russian classes because I am still here for another 3 weeks and need as much practice as I can get. I might have pasted my exam but that doesn’t make me 100% fluent…yet 😀
All in all, it was a really good week. With passing my exam, on my birthday, my roomies singing happy birthday to me, going out to dinner with my other friend, to a cafe that is completely me… “vintage style”, I would rate this the best birthday I have ever had away from home and in another country. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, I really appreciate it!
I hope everyone had an awesome week. May the one ahead be even better!
Talk to you all next week!
Enjoy the video of the rope balancing act:
To Live is To Dance