My week at home has come to an end and the sadness of having to leave is starting to roll in. As much as I enjoy it in Russia, it will never be able to replace my real home and family here in South Africa.
I really enjoyed this week. It has given me a booster that I need to make it through the next stretch till I can come home again in June/July
My awesome week started the minute I left my hostel and headed for the airport. It was very early, 1am on the 29th of December. All my flights (3) went well and I arrived in SA the 30th of December. The only “not so nice” thing was the VERY long layover in Paris. But I was on my way home so the wait was worth it.
Arriving in hot sunny South Africa, I was so happy. Although at first it felt unreal and like a dream. I think it’s because for the first time I know that being back does not really mean I’m back and staying. I have to leave again. Luckily after a few hours the unreal feeling past and I was very happy that it was real and not just a dream.
That first night in my own bed was heaven! But the house was empty because my family was on holiday in Sedgefield, Western Cape. Luckily my grandparents were home so I got to spend some time with them. The next morning, I got on a plane and I arrived in George early morning where my parents, brother and cousin awaited me.
I got to enjoy a week with my family in my favorite place, away from home, in the world. Sedgefield! We had a really relaxing and fun time together. Celebrated the new year with friends who were also in Sedgefield for the holidays. I really couldn’t have asked for a better week!
As my tan needed some work, I tried with every opportunity to get a little darker, but I just could not catch up on the week head start that everyone had on me! Still I think I got a little baby tan 😀
Quickly the few days I was there came and went and the journey home to Joburg started. This one was also an interesting one. About 4 hours to go, we got a problem with the trailers wheel. Luckily, we found a repair workshop in the town we were in. About an hour to two later the problem was solved and we were on our way. Although in that moments it really did feel like a scene from a movie.
This “little” problem (could have been an even bigger one if we left it), resulted in us arriving home only the next morning (Friday morning) at 1:30 am. What a road trip!
The next two days went fast. Getting a few things I needed and here I am basically all packed and ready to leave again. My flight leaves tonight.
It was a short but needed visit. Thank you to everyone who made it memorable and special!
** Thank you to the person who fetched me at the airport when I landed, took me home and took me back to the airport so that I could go meet up with my family! You know who you are…Also thank you for the spoils along the way!
Luckily the next time I come home will not be this short and quick.
Can’t wait to see you all when I come back!
May everyone have a blessed and successful 2018!
Talk soon!
To Live is To Dance
Extra photos of my week at home: